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Monday 9 July 2018

Battery Operated Vehicles (Low & High speed two wheelers) Scheme 2018-19 - ગજુ રાત ઊર્જા વિકાસ એજન્સી, ગાાંધીનગર બેટરી સચાં ાલિત ટુ-વ્હીિર યોજના િર્ા ૨૦૧૮-૧૯ (ગજુ રાત રાજયની શાળાઓિાાં ધોરણ ૯ થી ૧૨ િાાં અભ્યાસ કરતા મવદ્યાથીઓને બૅટરી સ ાંચાલલત વાહનો (લો-સ્પીડ ટુ-વ્હીલર) તથા કોલેજિાાં અભ્યાસ કરતા મવદ્યાથીઓને (લો-સ્પીડ અથવા હાઇ-સ્પીડ ટુ-વ્હીલર) ખરીદવા િાટે રાજય સરકારની રા. ૧૦,૦૦૦/- પ્રમત વાહન સબસીડીનો લાભ આપવાની યોજના ) - Modelwise Max Ex-Showroom Price - List of the documents required with the application form & Application Form - Skill Development Programme of NISE on "Solar Energy Technology" for the F.Y.2018-19

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Battery Operated Vehicles (Low & High speed two wheelers) Scheme 2018-19

Source :-https://geda.gujarat.gov.in/news_single.php?news=191

ગજુ રાત ઊર્જા વિકાસ એજન્સી, ગાાંધીનગર બેટરી સચાં ાલિત ટુ-વ્હીિર યોજના િર્ા ૨૦૧૮-૧૯

વર્ષ ૨૦૧૮-૧૯ દરમિયાન કલાઇિેટ ચેન્જ મવભાગ તથા જેડા દ્વારા ગજુ રાત રાજયની શાળાઓિાાં ધોરણ ૯ થી ૧૨ િાાં અભ્યાસ કરતા મવદ્યાથીઓને બૅટરી સ ાંચાલલત વાહનો (લો-સ્પીડ ટુ-વ્હીલર) તથા કોલેજિાાં અભ્યાસ કરતા મવદ્યાથીઓને (લો-સ્પીડ અથવા હાઇ-સ્પીડ ટુ-વ્હીલર) ખરીદવા િાટે રાજય સરકારની રા. ૧૦,૦૦૦/- પ્રમત વાહન સબસીડીનો લાભ આપવાની યોજના અિલિાાં મ ૂકવાિાાં આવેલ છે. શાળા/કોલેજોિાાં અભ્યાસ કરતા મવદ્યાથીઓ ગજુ રાત રાજ્યિાાં રહતે ા હોવા જરરી છે. બેટરી સ ાંચાલલત વાહનોના વપરાશથી થતા ફાયદા નીચેમજુ બ છે. ૧. વાહન બેટરી સ ાંચાલલત હોવાથી પેટ્રોલ/ડીઝલ નો વપરાશ થતો નથી. ર. અંદાજીત ૨૦ પૈસા પ્રમત કકલોિીટર જેટલો વાહન ચલાવવાનો ખચષ થાય છે. ૩. પ્રદૂર્ણ રકહત / ઇકોફ્રેન્ડલી વાહન હોવાથી હામનકારક ગેસ થી ફેલાતુાં હવાનુાં પ્રદૂર્ણ થતુાં નથી. ૪. અવાજ રકહત હોવાથી અવાજનુાં પ્રદૂર્ણ થતુાંનથી. ૫ લો-સ્પીડ ( ૨૫ કક.િી. પ્રમત કલાક િહત્તિ ગમત) વાહનોને ઓટોિોટીવ રીસચષ એસોસીએશન ઓફ ઇન્ડીયા (ARAI) દ્વારા આર.ટી.ઓ રજીસ્ટ્રેશન તથા ડ્રાઇવીંગ લાયસન્સિાથાં ી મક્ુતત આપવાિાાં આવેલ છે. વર્ષ ૨૦૧૮-૧૯ દરમિયાન આ યોજનાનુાં અિલીકરણ નીચેમજુ બ કરવાિાાં આવશે. (અ) લાભાથી ની યોગ્યતા રાજયની શાળાઓિાાં ધોરણ ૯ થી ૧૨િાાં અભ્યાસ કરતા મવદ્યાથીઓને લો-સ્પીડ બેટરી સચાં ાલલત ટુ-વ્હીલર તથા કોલેજોિાાં અભ્યાસ કરતા મવદ્યાથીઓને લો-સ્પીડ/હાઇ-સ્પીડ ટુ વ્હીલર ખરીદવા િાટે રાજય સરકારની નાણાકીય સહાય આપવાિાાં આવશે. શાળા/કોલેજ નો મવદ્યાથી ગજુ રાત રાજ્યિાાં રહતે ો હોવો જરરી છે. મવદ્યાથી દીઠ િાત્ર એક જ વાહનની ખરીદી િાટેનાણાકીય સહાય િળવા પાત્ર રહશે ે. (બ) સહાયનુાં ધોરણ બેટરી સ ાંચાલલત ટુ વ્હીલર (લો-સ્પીડ અથવા હાઇ-સ્પીડ) ખરીદવા િાટે મવદ્યાથીઓનેરા. ૧૦,૦૦૦/- પ્રમત વ્હીકલ સહાય આપવાિાાં આવશે. નાણાાંકીય સહાયની રકિ જેડા દ્વારા અમધકૃત કરેલ ઉત્પાદકોનાાં અમધકૃત ડીલસષ પાસથે ી જરરી ડોક્યિુ ેન્્સ જિા કરાવી વાહન ખરીદી લીધા બાદ તથા જરરી ચકાસણી કયાષ બાદ મવદ્યાથીનાાં બેંક ખાતાિાાં જિા કરાવવાિાાં આવશે. (ક) િાન્ય પ્રિાણપત્રો સાથે આ યોજનાનો લાભ િેળવવા િાટેપસદાં ગીનાાં ક્રિિાાં મવદ્યાથી દ્વારા આગળનાાં વર્ષિાાં િેળવેલ પરીક્ષાનાાં ગણુ ાકાં ન, અનસુ લુચત જામત, અનસુ લુચત જનજામત, િકહલાઓ, કદવ્યાાંગ મવદ્યાથીઓને અગ્રતા આપવાિાાં આવશે. (ડ) વાહનોનાાં વેચાણ પછીની સેવાઓ વાહનનાાં અમધકૃત ઉત્પાદક/િાન્ય મવક્રેતા પાસેથી િેળવવાની રહશે ે.

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Source :-https://geda.gujarat.gov.in/media/BOV_Scheme__2018-19.pdf

Modelwise Max Ex-Showroom Price for BOV Scheme 2018-19 in Gujarat State
 Sr. No. Name of Authorised Manufacturer Contact no. Model Category Max.ExShowroom price in Rs.without acessories Max.Ex-Showroom price in Rs.without acessories for PH students 1 Ajanta Mfg.Ltd. 9998023124 J 50 Plus Low Speed 36200 NA 2 Hero Electric Pvt Ltd 9724011140 FLASH Low Speed 27490 37490 Optima+ & Variants Low Speed 39690 49690 NYX Low Speed 37190 47190 NYX E5 High Speed with Advance Battery ( Li ) 53990 63990 3 Ampere Vehicles Pvt Ltd 9979882223 Ampere V48 Low Speed 39000 51000 4 Avan Motors Pvt ltd 7838668877 Xero Li Low speed 54875 67375 5 Electrotherm (India) Limited 7777999599 Yo Electron ER Low Speed 27950 NA Yo Xplore Low Speed 35822 NA Yo Edge Low Speed 39954 NA Yo Drift Low Speed 38073 NA Yo Xplore Li Low Speed 64015 NA Yo Exl High Speed 50237 NA 6 Lohia Auto Industries 9758246999 Oma Star Low Speed 33770 46270 Oma Star Advanced battery Low Speed 51690 64190 7 Okinawa Autotech Pvt.Ltd. 7230059866 Ridge High Speed 42400 48400 Ridge 30 Low Speed 39450 45450 Praise High Speed 65389 72389 8 Chris Motors 9913799027 Breeze lite 48V Low Speed 41990 NA Electrowheelz Wind 60V Low Speed 48500 NA 9 Tunwal E-Vehicle India Pvt Ltd 6354339100 Sport-63 (48V) Low Speed 40990 50990 Sport-63 (60V) Low Speed 46990 56990 Storm-Zx Low Speed 47990 57990 Electrika 48 Low Speed 47990 57990 Storm-Zx Li Low Speed 61720 71720 Sport-63 Li Low Speed 60500 70500 Lithino Li Low Speed 72800 82990

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Source :-https://geda.gujarat.gov.in/media/Price_list_BOV_Scheme_2018-19.pdf

List of the documents required with the application form
 For purchase of low speed battery operated two wheelers: 1. Application form with complete details in duplicate (One copy to be retained by dealer for record) 2. Bonafide Certificate (Original) for academic year 2018-19 with details of standard/year of study, photograph, outward no. & date 3. Copy of Student ID Card 4. True Copy of mark sheet of last exam passed 5. Self-Certified copy of Student’s Aadhaar Card/Driving License (if available) 6. Self-Certified copy of Residence proof - Electricity bill / House Tax bill For purchase of high speed battery operated two wheelers: 1. Application form with complete details in duplicate (one copy to be retained by dealers for record) 2. Bonafide Certificate (Original) for academic year 2018-19 with details of standard/year of study, photograph, outward no. & date 3. Copy of Student ID Card 4. True Copy of mark sheet of last exam passed 5. Self-Certified copy of Student’s Aadhhar Card & Driving License (Compulsory) 6. Self-Certified copy of Residence proof - Electricity bill/ House Tax bill 7. Copy of receipt of registration fee amount of vehicle issued by RTO Note: Applications with Incomplete details/documents will be rejected outrightly

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Source :-https://geda.gujarat.gov.in/media/List_of_Documents_required.pdf

Application Form

 Application for purchase of Battery Operated Two-wheeler under GEDA BOV Scheme 2018-19 1. Name of Student (as per bonafide certificate) : 2. Name of School/College & address : 3. Standard / Year of Study : 4. Name & address of Parent/Guardian : 5. Mobile no. of Student & Parent / Guardian : 6. Details of Vehicle to be purchased : (Name of Company & Nearest dealer, Model etc.) 7. Details of Bank Account (for credit of subsidy amount) : Name of Account holder Bank Name IFSC code Complete bank account number(Latest) I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I would not hold the user institution responsible. I have not applied Or purchased Battery Operated Two Wheeler from any other manufacturer/dealer. I am aware & also ensured that Manufacturer/dealer will provide Guarantee / Warrantee & aftersales services of the vehicle & user is responsible for regular O & M of the Vehicle. I also agree with all the terms & conditions of this scheme. Signature of Student Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature & stamp of Principal Note: Signature & Stamp of Principal is required only for confirmation of Student’s details at sr.no. 1 to 4 as above

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Source :-https://geda.gujarat.gov.in/media/BOV_application_2018-19.pdf

Skill Development Programme of NISE on "Solar Energy Technology" for the F.Y.2018-19

Source :-https://geda.gujarat.gov.in/news_single.php?news=187

National Institute of Solar Energy
 An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, www.nise.res.in 1 | P a g e Date : 3/05/18 N O T I F I C A T I O N Request for Inviting Applications from Training Partners for conducting Skill Development Programmes of NISE on “Solar Energy Technologies” on Pan India Level in Collaboration with NISE for the FY 2018-19 National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), an autonomous center of excellence of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, is conducting various skill development programs on for national and international participants to meet the needs and upgrade the technical expertise of solar professionals. NISE is engaged in Solar PV/Thermal, R&D, Testing, Demonstration Projects, Skill Development, Consultancy, innovation and Incubation etc. NISE is offering various consultancy services to various Central Ministries, Armed Forces, PSU’s and corporates on Solar Power Projects, Rural Energy, Cold Storages, Food processing industries etc. 2. NISE is conducting many skill development programs related to Entrepreneurship development, Solar Water Pumping, Rooftop and many more programs and want intend to conduct these program on Pan India Level. NISE is willing to collaborate with the Training Institutes of repute having good facilities and infrastructure related to the solar training program on revenue sharing basis. These trainings will be imparted on self-sustainable market mode i.e. to be paid by the participants. These trainings will be organized through Training Partners on franchise basis. The list of training programs is as followsS.No Program Title Duration Batch Size (No of Participant) 1 “Designing and Performance Evaluation of Solar Thermal Systems” 4 Days 20 2 Solar PV System Design using "PVSYST & PVSOL" Software with cost Economic and Policies 5 Days 20 3 Workshop on Prospects for Start-ups in Solar Energy Technologies 5 Days 40 4 Power Converters in Solar photovoltaic 2 Days 30 5 Rooftop Solar Grid Engineers 10 Days 30 National Institute of Solar Energy An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, www.nise.res.in 2 | P a g e 6 Design , Installation & Commissioning of Solar Water Pumping System Training Program (Varun Mitra) 3 Weeks 30 7 “O & M and Performance Evaluation of CST Systems” 2 Days 15 8 Solar Resource, Measurement, Assessment, and Calibration 2 Days 30 9 Advanced Solar Professionals Course 6 Months 40 10 “O&M and Performance Evaluation of Solar Thermal Power Plant” 3 Days 10 11 Issues and Its Possible Mitigation in Photovoltaic Power Plants 2 Days 30 3. The interested Institute needs to be fulfill all the given requirements in order to associate with NISE on Franchise basis: (i) The TP must be a registered legal entity in India which must be in operations for 2 year or more as on 01st April, 2018. (ii) The TP must have an average yearly turnover of Rs 25.00 Lakh in skill development activities for last 2 years or more as on 01st April, 2018. (iii) The TP should have experience in imparting trainings in renewable energy preferably in Solar Energy. (iv) TP must have certified trainer and experienced faculty in Solar Energy Sector. (v) TP must have well equipped Electrical laboratory, classroom facilities and minimum 1KW SPV Power Plant installed with related sector equipment. 4. The course Content and the training Fees shall be decided by NISE. 5. The TPs are requested to submit the proposal including the following format – 1. Name & Address of Training Partner : 2. Date of Registration : 3. Experience in Conducting Skill Development Program (in years): 4. Infrastructure Available (with Photos) : 5. Annual Turnover (in lakhs): 6. Total Candidates trained in Solar Energy from the Inception: 7. Geographical Presence Details of Training Centres : National Institute of Solar Energy An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, www.nise.res.in 3 | P a g e 8. Available list of equipment : 9. The particular Program they are interested to conduct: 10. Any other details 6. The interested Training partners may kindly send their proposal with above information to NISE latest by 20th May, 2018. The proposal will be addressed to: Dr. Chandan Banerjee Deputy Director General - SDD National Institute of Solar Energy, Gurgaon Faridabad Road, Gwal Pahari Gurgaon-122003 Any query may be sent to Ms Pooja Sharma, Consultant at pooja.sharma@nise.res.in or Tel: 0124- 2853039 during working days. - SD - Dr. Arun K. Tripathi (Director General)
Source :-https://geda.gujarat.gov.in/media/Notification_09052018.pdf

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Gujarat Energy Development Agency
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Published By :-
Gayatri Solution Group
{ Jayesh Patel} (Live In :- Gujarat)