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Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Summary of Exceptions (GSTR-2) - No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information - Tally Release 6.1 - Mobile Tally

Gayatri Solution Group
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Good Bye (VAT, CST, Service Tax ) 
Wel Come GST ( CGST, SGST, IGST) With Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.1 (Gold) 

Summary of Exceptions (GSTR-2)

Vouchers with incomplete/mismatch in information list includes voucher that contain GST details but are not included in the count of Included in returns and Not relevant for returns due to incomplete information or mismatch.
You can correct exceptions in the vouchers before exporting GST returns. The Vouchers with incomplete/mismatch in information report for GSTR-2 appears as shown below:
The exceptions are listed in the order of priority, based on the importance of the information for generating returns. Hence, a voucher with multiple exceptions is listed in the exception type higher up the order. Once that exception is resolved, the voucher will move down to the next exception type. Such vouchers with multiple exceptions continue to be listed as exceptions until all incomplete/mismatch information are resolved. This will ensure that all exceptions are resolved before filing the returns.
However, vouchers with only one exception are moved to Included in returns list after that exception is resolved.

No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information

Displays the count of total vouchers with exceptions. Drill down from this row to view all the vouchers with exceptions, number of exceptions in each voucher, and type of exception. All exceptions can be resolved from here without having to open different exception categories.
To resolve all exceptions without having to go from one exception type to another
1.    Select No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information.
2.    Press Enter to display Exception Resolution screen with the list of vouchers, number of exceptions in each voucher, and exception types. The Exception Resolution screen appears as shown below:
3.    Select any transaction and press Enter to display the Voucher Details Alteration screen which is divided into multiple sections, one for each exception in the voucher, as shown below:
4.    Select or enter required information for the first exception type. Further, you can click F5: Recompute or A: Accept as is to recompute or accept the details, respectively.
5.    Press Enter to navigate to next exception type.
6.    Resolve the exceptions by providing details or using the buttons provided.
7.    Press Enter after all exceptions in the voucher are resolved to view the next voucher with respective exceptions.
8.    Continue resolving the exceptions voucher by voucher, or press Esc to return to Exception Resolution screen.
Note: Click X: Exclude Vouchers in the Exception Resolution screen to exclude the voucher from GSTR-2 return.

UoM(s) not mapped to Unit Quantity Code (UQC)

Displays the count of transactions for which Unit Quantity Code is not mapped with the unit of measure.
To resolve this exception
1.    Select the exception UoM(s) not mapped to Unit Quantity Code (UQC). You can map the unit of measure with UQC using the button (S: Map with UQC) or pressing Enter on the UoM Symbol.
2.    Select the UoM Symbol.
     Mapping with UQC from the report
o     Click S: Map with UQC and select the UQC.
o     Press Enter to save.
     Selecting UQC in the stock item master
o     Press Enter on the selected UoM Symbol.
o     Select the Unit Quantity Code (UQC), as shown below:
o     Press Enter to save.

Country, state and dealer type not specified

Displays the count of transactions where,
     Country/state is not selected in the party ledger master,
     State selected in transaction and party ledger are different, or
     Nature of transaction is not derived.
To resolve this exception
1.    Select the exception Country, state and dealer type not specified.
2.    Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed. The Exception Resolution screen appears.
3.    Select the state, specify the GSTIN and select dealer type for each transaction.
4.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Note: Click X: Exclude Vouchers to exclude the voucher from GSTR-2 return.

Tax rate/tax type not specified

Displays the count of transactions for which the rate or tax type is not selected in the item/ledger master.
To resolve this exception
1.    Select the exception Tax rate/tax type not specified.
2.    Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed. The Exception Resolution screen appears as shown below:
3.    Select the Nature of transaction, if not provided.
4.    Enter Rate Details, as required for each transaction.
5.    Press Enter to save.
Note: Click X: Exclude Vouchers to exclude the voucher from GSTR-2 return.

Nature of transaction, taxable value, rate of tax modified in voucher

Displays count of transactions in which the Nature of transaction, taxable value or rate of tax defined in the ledger master has been changed in the transaction.
To resolve this exception
1.    Select the exception Nature of transaction, taxable value, rate of tax modified in voucher.
2.    Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed, as shown below:
3.    Select the required voucher.
4.    Click R: Resolve to select Nature of transaction and enter other details manually, or click A: Accept as is. When you accept the voucher as is, a message is displayed as shown below:
5.    Press Enter to accept.
6.    Similarly, accept the required vouchers.
7.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger

Displays count of transactions in which type of duty is invalid.
To resolve this exception
1.    Select the exception Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger.
2.    Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed, as shown below:
3.    Select the GST ledgers for each transaction.
4.    Press Enter to save.

Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher

Displays the count of transactions in which difference is found between the calculated and entered tax amount. The mismatch due to modified value can be resolved by following one of the options.
To resolve this exception
1.    Select the exception Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher.
2.    Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed.
3.    Based on your accounting requirements, you can recompute the tax values, or resolve the mismatch, or accept the transaction as is.
o     Navigate to required transaction.
o     Click R: Resolve, and enter the tax value in As per transaction column of the voucher. The Exception Resolution screen appears as shown below:
o     Press Ctrl+A to accept. Similarly, resolve the required vouchers.
     Accept as is
o     Navigate to required transaction.
o     Select the required voucher and click A: Accept as is. A message is displayed as shown below:
o     Navigate to required transaction and press Enter.
o     Click F5: Recompute to recalculate the tax amount
o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details (GSTR-2)

Displays the count of journal vouchers in which the Nature of adjustment is not selected.
To resolve this exception
1.    Select the exception Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details.
2.    Press Enter. All transactions are displayed of a particular exception are listed, as shown  below:
3.    Select the Nature of adjustment and Additional details for each voucher.
4.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Filter for Item level and Ledger level exceptions

By default, the list of exceptions displays incomplete/mismatch information details voucher-wise. However, the button options provided in the report allow you to view the exceptions item master-wise or ledger-wise. In item master-wise view, all exceptions caused by an item can be resolved by updating missing or incorrect information from a single screen. This will result in resolving multiple voucher exceptions caused by the particular master. Similarly, all exceptions caused by a particular ledger can be resolved from ledger-wise exceptions list.

Item Exceptions

Click I: Item Exceptions to alter the view of Vouchers with incomplete/mismatch in information report to display vouchers with incomplete/mismatch of information in item master. The vouchers with exceptions are displayed against different exception types in 2 columns:
Total Masters
Drill down from this column to view information missing/mismatch in item at master level. You can provide the required details at stock group level to update all items in the group or at individual item level. By providing required information at item master level, all voucher level exceptions resulting from that item are resolved.
To update the information and resolve exception at master level
1.    Click I: Item Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to the required exception type and press Enter from Total Masters column to display Multi Stock Alteration screen.
3.    Select the Classification.
The Multi Stock Alteration screen appears as shown below:
4.    Enter HSN/SAC, and tax rate.
5.    Select Taxability and enter the Effective date.
6.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Total Vouchers
Drill down from this column to view information missing/mismatch in the items at voucher level. You can provide the required details for each transaction.
To update the information and resolve voucher exception at voucher level
1.    Click I: Item Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to required exception type and press Enter from Total Masters column to display Exception Resolution screen, as shown below:
3.    Select the Nature of transaction.
4.    Enter the Rate.
5.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Ledger Exceptions

Click L: Ledger Exceptions to view of Vouchers with incomplete/mismatch in information report displays vouchers with missing/mismatch of information in ledger master. The vouchers with exceptions are displayed against different exception types in 2 columns:
Total Masters
Drill down from this column to view information missing/mismatch at ledger master level. You can provide the required details at ledger group level to update all ledgers in the group or at individual ledger level. By providing required information at leger master level, all voucher level exceptions resulting from that ledger are resolved.
To update the information and resolve exception at master level
1.    Click L: Ledger Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to required exception type and press Enter from Total Masters column to display Multi Ledger Alteration screen, as shown below:
3.    Enter HSN/SAC, and tax rate.
4.    Select Taxability and enter the Effective date.
5.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Total Vouchers
Drill down from this column to view information missing/mismatch in the ledger at voucher level. You can provide the required details for each transaction.
To update the information and resolve voucher exception at voucher level
1.    Click L: Ledger Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to required exception type and press Enter from Total Vouchers column to display Exception Resolution screen, as shown below:
3.    Select Nature of transaction and enter rate.
4.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Source :-https://help.tallysolutions.com/article/te9rel61/Tax_India/gst/summary_of_exceptions_gstr2.htm

 If you are interested to being business partner with kindly contact on  Whats App :- 9429893515
Note :- For any help related to any above services and products kindly mail us on customerhelp.gsg@gmail.com with above mention subject line
For any inquiry (Products & Services) kindly contact us on inquiry.gsg13@gmail.com with particular city code for more information click here.

Tally On Mobile - Mobile Tally Marketing App - Tally Mobile Business Management App


Customization in Tally.ERP9 - Mobile Tally - Tally Mobile Application

Customization in Tally.ERP9

1000+ Ready to use add-ons or customize your Tally on your own way.
  • Sms Module
  • Agent Module
  • Security Features
  • Contact Manager
  • Inventory Report
  • Auto Email
  • Outstanding Followup
  • Half Page Invoice
  • Voucher Aurthorization
  • Serial Member Search
  • Textile Industries
  • Ginig Mills
  • Petrol Pumps
  • Iron & Steel
  • Mobile Application

Mobile Tally - Tally Mobile Application

Daily Sales Report
Daily Purchase Report
Cash & Bank
Stock Summary
Bills Receivable
Billy Payable
Fix Assets
Loans (Liability)
Today Daybook

 Source :- tallyBIZ

Note :-   Tally, Quickheal Antivirous, Education Software  કે બીજા કોઈ સફ્ટવેર લેવા માટે 
જુના કે નવા Laptop, Desktop Computer લેવા કે વેચવા માટે,
 IT, CCTV,  ને લગતી કોઈ પણ Products ( Switch, HDD, Ram, Cd, Pendrive) લેવા માટે
 માત્ર Whats App કરો કોલ નહી Mo 9429893515, 7990449182, 8511604135બેસ્ટ રેટ મલસે

Source :-http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/gu/composition-to-regular-dealer-gst/

Download Tally.ERP 9 Release 6 (Gold) With GST Click Here 

Link :-  https://tallysolutions.com/download/
 GST Knowledge in Gujarati Click Here

Link :- http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/gu/

 GST Knowledge in English Click Here

Link :-  http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/

 GST Knowledge in Hindi Click Here

Link :-  http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/hi/

Source :-Gayatri Solution Group

Note :-   Tally, Quickheal Antivirous, Education Software  કે બીજા કોઈ સફ્ટવેર લેવા માટે 
જુના કે નવા Laptop, Desktop Computer લેવા કે વેચવા માટે,
 IT, CCTV,  ને લગતી કોઈ પણ Products ( Switch, HDD, Ram, Cd, Pendrive) લેવા માટે
 માત્ર Whats App કરો કોલ નહી Mo 9429893515, 7990449182, 9558113500, 9099757281, 8511604135બેસ્ટ રેટ મલસે 

Products :- Quick Heal Antivirous, Tally, GST, CPU, Motherboard, RAM, HDD, LCD – LED, Keyboard, Mouse, DVD Writer, SMPS, Speaker, Battery, Adapter, Cooling Pad, Screen Guard, Bag, Internet Dongles, Blank CD – DVD, Pen drive, Web Camera, Microphone, Headphone, External CD Drive, Cables, Projector, Scanner, Printer, Education CD - DVD etc…
   More Products List Click Here
Note :- Purchase any products just email inquiry.gsg13@gmail.com
Published By :-
Gayatri Solution Group
{ Jayesh Patel} (Live In :- Gujarat)

Resolving Incomplete/Mismatch in Information (GSTR-1) - Release 6.1 - Tally Mobile Business Management App

Gayatri Solution Group
(Follow Us :- Google +Yahoo GroupGSG BlogGSG Website,)
Product Price For Partner :- GSG Partner Click Here
 Product Price For Customer :- GSG Customer Click Here

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 If you are interested to being business partner with kindly contact on  Whats App :- 9429893515
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Good Bye (VAT, CST, Service Tax ) 
Wel Come GST ( CGST, SGST, IGST) With Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.1 (Gold) 

Resolving Incomplete/Mismatch in Information (GSTR-1)

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If a voucher has multiple exceptions, on resolving one exception it will move to the next exception category until all exceptions are resolved and entries moved to Included in Returns.
To resolve all exceptions
1.    Drill down on No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information.
2.    Select any transaction and press Enter.
3.    Select or enter required information for the first exception type. Further, you can click F5: Recompute or A: Accept as is to recompute or accept the details, respectively.
4.    Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3, until all exceptions are resolved.
Note: Click X: Exclude Vouchers in the Exception Resolution screen to exclude the voucher from GSTR-1 return.
To resolve the exception: UoM(s) not mapped to Unit Quantity Code (UQC)
1.    Select the exception UoM(s) not mapped to Unit Quantity Code (UQC).
2.    Select the UoM Symbol.
     Mapping with UQC from the report
o     Click S: Map with UQC, select the UQC, and press Enter.
     Selecting UQC in the stock item master
o     Press Enter on the selected UoM Symbol, and select the Unit Quantity Code (UQC).
o     Press Enter to save.
To resolve the exception: Country, state and dealer type not specified
Displays the count of transactions where,
     Country/state is not selected in the party ledger master,
     State selected in transaction and party ledger are different, or
     Nature of transaction is not derived.
1.    Select the exception Country, state and dealer type not specified.
2.    Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed. The Exception Resolution screen appears.
3.    Select the state, specify the GSTIN and select dealer type for each transaction.
4.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Note: Click X: Exclude Vouchers to exclude the voucher from GSTR-1 return.
To resolve the exception: Tax rate/tax type not specified
Displays the count of transactions for which the rate or tax type is not selected in the item/ledger master.
1.    Select the exception Tax rate/tax type not specified, and press Enter.
2.    Select the Nature of transaction, if not provided.
3.    Enter Rate, as required for each transaction.
4.    Press Enter to save.
Note: Click X: Exclude Vouchers to exclude the voucher from GSTR-1 return.
To resolve the exception: Nature of transaction, taxable value, rate of tax modified in voucher
Displays count of transactions in which the Nature of transaction, taxable value or rate of tax defined in the ledger master has been changed in the transaction.
1.    Select the exception Nature of transaction, taxable value, rate of tax modified in voucher, and press Enter.
2.    Select the required voucher.
3.    Click R: Resolve to select Nature of transaction and enter other details manually, or click A: Accept as is. A message is displayed as shown below:
4.    Press Enter to accept.
5.    Similarly, accept the required vouchers.
6.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
To resolve the exception: Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger
Displays count of transactions in which type of duty is invalid.
1.    Select the exception Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger, and press Enter.
2.    Select the tax type for each transaction.
3.    Press Enter to save.
To resolve the exception: Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher
Displays the count of transactions in which difference is found between the calculated and entered tax amount. The mismatch due to modified value can be resolved by following one of the options.
1.    Select the exception Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher, and press Enter. Based on your accounting requirements, you can resolve the mismatch, accept the transaction as is, or recompute the tax values.
2.    Navigate to the required transaction, and do one of the following:
o     Click R: Resolve, enter the tax value in As per transaction column of the voucher, and press Ctrl+A to accept.
o     Click A: Accept as is, and press Enter to confirm acceptance.
o     Click F5: Recompute to recalculate the tax amount, and press Ctrl+A to accept.
To resolve the exception: Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details
Displays the count of journal transactions in which Nature of adjustment is not selected.
1.    Select the exception Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details, and press Enter.
2.    Select the Nature of adjustment and Additional details for each voucher.
3.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
To resolve the exception: Information required for generating table-wise details not provided
Displays the count of transactions excluded from table-wise format of GSTR-1 due to incomplete information. The button Exception Types is provided to resolve all party ledger level or voucher level corrections from a single screen.
1.    Select Information required for generating table-wise details not provided, and press Enter.
2.    Select any voucher and press Enter to display the Table-wise exceptions(s) screen.
3.    Enter the missing information or update the incorrect details, and press Enter to return to the Exception Resolution screen.
4.    Repeat step 3 for all the required vouchers.
Exception Types
Using this option you can resolve exceptions from a common screen by grouping all table-wise related exceptions into two buckets Party Ledger level Corrections and Configuration Level Corrections.
To resolve all party ledger level exceptions
1.    Select Information required for generating table-wise details not provided, and press Enter.
2.    Press Ctrl+E.
3.    Select Party Ledger Level Corrections in the Select Exception Resolution Type screen.
4.    Select the State Name, State Code and enter party GTIN number for the listed parties in the Party Ledger Level correction screen.
5.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
To resolve all configuration level exceptions
1.    Select Information required for generating table-wise not provided, and press Enter.
2.    Press Ctrl+E.
3.    Select Configuration Level Corrections in the Select Exception Resolution Type screen.
4.    Enter HSN/SAC code for the listed vouchers.
5.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Drill-down from any row and resolve the respective exceptions to include the vouchers in return.

Filter for Item level and Ledger level exceptions

By default, the list of exceptions displays incomplete/mismatch information details voucher-wise. However, you can view the exceptions item master-wise or ledger-wise. In item master-wise view, all exceptions caused by an item can be resolved from a single screen.
Similarly, all exceptions caused by a particular ledger can be resolved from ledger-wise exceptions list.
To update the information and resolve exception at master level
1.    Click I: Item Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to required exception type and press Enter from Total Masters column to display Multi Stock Alteration screen.
3.    Select the Classification to view the Multi Stock Alteration screen.
4.    Enter HSN/SAC, and tax rate.
5.    Select Taxability and enter the Effective date.
6.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Item Exceptions
To update the information and resolve voucher exception at voucher level
1.    Click I: Item Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to required exception type and press Enter from Total Masters column to display Exception Resolution screen.
3.    Select Nature of transaction.
4.    Enter Rate.
5.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
Ledger Exceptions
To update the information and resolve exception at master level
1.    Click L: Ledger Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to required exception type and press Enter from Total Masters column to display Multi Ledger Alteration screen.
3.    Enter HSN/SAC, and tax rate.
4.    Select Taxability and enter the Effective date.
5.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.
To update the information and resolve voucher exception at voucher level
1.    Click L: Ledger Exceptions.
2.    Navigate to required exception type and press Enter from Total Vouchers column to display Exception Resolution screen.
3.    Select Nature of transaction and enter rate.
4.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Source :-https://help.tallysolutions.com/article/te9rel61/Tax_India/gst/summary_of_exceptions_gst.htm

 If you are interested to being business partner with kindly contact on  Whats App :- 9429893515
Note :- For any help related to any above services and products kindly mail us on customerhelp.gsg@gmail.com with above mention subject line
For any inquiry (Products & Services) kindly contact us on inquiry.gsg13@gmail.com with particular city code for more information click here.

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Customization in Tally.ERP9 - Mobile Tally - Tally Mobile Application

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  • Inventory Report
  • Auto Email
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  • Serial Member Search
  • Textile Industries
  • Ginig Mills
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  • Iron & Steel
  • Mobile Application

Mobile Tally - Tally Mobile Application

Daily Sales Report
Daily Purchase Report
Cash & Bank
Stock Summary
Bills Receivable
Billy Payable
Fix Assets
Loans (Liability)
Today Daybook

 Source :- tallyBIZ

Note :-   Tally, Quickheal Antivirous, Education Software  કે બીજા કોઈ સફ્ટવેર લેવા માટે 
જુના કે નવા Laptop, Desktop Computer લેવા કે વેચવા માટે,
 IT, CCTV,  ને લગતી કોઈ પણ Products ( Switch, HDD, Ram, Cd, Pendrive) લેવા માટે
 માત્ર Whats App કરો કોલ નહી Mo 9429893515, 7990449182, 8511604135બેસ્ટ રેટ મલસે

Source :-http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/gu/composition-to-regular-dealer-gst/

Download Tally.ERP 9 Release 6 (Gold) With GST Click Here 

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 GST Knowledge in Gujarati Click Here

Link :- http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/gu/

 GST Knowledge in English Click Here

Link :-  http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/

 GST Knowledge in Hindi Click Here

Link :-  http://blogs.tallysolutions.com/hi/

Source :-Gayatri Solution Group

Note :-   Tally, Quickheal Antivirous, Education Software  કે બીજા કોઈ સફ્ટવેર લેવા માટે 
જુના કે નવા Laptop, Desktop Computer લેવા કે વેચવા માટે,
 IT, CCTV,  ને લગતી કોઈ પણ Products ( Switch, HDD, Ram, Cd, Pendrive) લેવા માટે
 માત્ર Whats App કરો કોલ નહી Mo 9429893515, 7990449182, 9558113500, 9099757281, 8511604135બેસ્ટ રેટ મલસે 

Products :- Quick Heal Antivirous, Tally, GST, CPU, Motherboard, RAM, HDD, LCD – LED, Keyboard, Mouse, DVD Writer, SMPS, Speaker, Battery, Adapter, Cooling Pad, Screen Guard, Bag, Internet Dongles, Blank CD – DVD, Pen drive, Web Camera, Microphone, Headphone, External CD Drive, Cables, Projector, Scanner, Printer, Education CD - DVD etc…
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Published By :-
Gayatri Solution Group
{ Jayesh Patel} (Live In :- Gujarat)