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Good Bye (VAT, CST, Service Tax )
Wel Come GST ( CGST, SGST, IGST) With Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.1 (Gold)
New Release 6.1 Tally.ERP 9 launched on 29th August, 2017
If you are interested to being business partner with kindly contact on Whats App :- 9429893515
(Follow Us :- Google +, Yahoo Group, GSG Blog, GSG Website,)
Product Price For Partner :- GSG Partner Click Here
Product Price For Customer :- GSG Customer Click Here
(*Free Earn Tack Time Click Here to Download App*)
If you are interested to being business partner with kindly contact on Whats App :- 9429893515
Note :-
For any inquiry (Products & Services) kindly contact us on with particular city code for more information click here.
Good Bye (VAT, CST, Service Tax )
Wel Come GST ( CGST, SGST, IGST) With Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.1 (Gold)
New Release 6.1 Tally.ERP 9 launched on 29th August, 2017
Tally.ERP 9 Release 6, our GST-ready software comes with capabilities such as:
- Quick setup of your GST details so that your business can start without any delay
- Support for GST billing and all GST transactions for your business
- Easy detection and correction of errors for hassle-free tax return filing
- Seamless export of GST returns to Microsoft Excel so you can upload returns or share them with your CA or tax practitioner
Download and install Tally.ERP 9 Release 6 for GST. It will just take a few minutes, as always.
For more details about the product and features, visit TallyHelp.
The latest version under Tally.ERP 9 Release 6 series is Release 6.1, which was launched on 29th August, 2017.
Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.1 has a major GST enhancement:
For more details about the product and features, visit TallyHelp.
The latest version under Tally.ERP 9 Release 6 series is Release 6.1, which was launched on 29th August, 2017.
- Generating GSTR-1 for filing your returns
- Map UoM - UQC report to map existing Units of Measure to the "Unit Quantity Code" required by GST.
- Advance Receipt - Tax Liability report to know the amount of advances received in a period, and help you create tax liability entries
Release Notes for Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.1
Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.1 has some great updates for GST
● Use the Map
UoM - UQC report to map existing Units of Measurement to the
Unit Quantity Code required by GST.
● Use Advance Receipt
report to know the amount of advances received in a period, and
create tax liability entries.
Product Improvements
● Now, enable/disable
the option Consider
additional expense/income ledger for slab rate calculation? in stock item master to
consider the value of the
additional ledgers enabled for apportionment
for selecting the GST slab rate for stock items in the invoice.
● As per the latest
format of GSTR-1 offline tool,
the table-wise view is supported in the GSTR-1 report.
● We have provided
the Document
Summary report in which you can view the transaction count
of sales, purchase from unregistered dealers, debit note, credit note,
receipt voucher, payment voucher (including voucher marked for refund),
and delivery note recorded for branch transfers.
● Now you can
use the new report Advance
Receipt – Tax Liability to know the amount of advance payments
received in a period, and easily create liability and pay tax.
● We have supported
UQC as per GST rules. You can select the Unit
Quantity Code in the stock item master or in Map UoM - UQC report.
The UQC mapped to each stock
item will appear in the HSN/SAC Summary
screen of GSTR-1 report.
● You can now
export sales invoices having invoice numbers up to 16 characters, including
special characters - and / in to GSTR-1
● We have fixed
an issue where the Ledger Vouchers
report did not display the party's GSTIN/UIN for transactions recorded
using journal vouchers even if the option Show
party's GSTIN/UIN? was enabled in Columnar
Register Alteration screen.
predefined for the party ledger having multiple addresses did not appear
in the Ledger Contact Details
screen, when it was viewed from the party Ledger
Vouchers and Ledger Outstandings
report. This issue is resolved.
● The mismatch
of tax As per calculation and
As per transaction in the Exception Resolution screen was
not resolved, when you clicked R: Resolve and pressed Ctrl+A.
This issue is resolved.
● You can enter
the MRP
for stock items attracting GST in the invoice, and print it. Also,
if the stock items are predefined with slab
rates and MRP, you can configure them to consider MRP or rate per unit
for calculating GST. Based on this, the tax rate corresponding to
the slab rate will be identified, and auto calculated in the invoice.
● The text Amount of tax subject to Reverse Charge
will now appear on the vouchers when advance
receipts and payments
attracting reverse charge are printed.
● For sales recorded
with an e-commerce operator, the GST
Registration Type provided in the Party
Details screen will be considered in the GSTR-1
report as a B2C sale based on the transaction value. Hence the sales made
to a consumer will not be captured under the exception GSTIN/UIN
is not specified/invalid.
● You can print
two copies of GST invoices by marking the first copy as Original
for Recipient and the second copy as Triplicate
for Supplier for supply of goods.
● Transactions
recorded in a credit note did not appear in the GSTR-1
report if an indirect expense ledger was selected, and a positive value
was entered to round off the invoice value. This issue is resolved.
● We have fixed
an issue to ensure that the State Name
and Code of the
buyer and consignee are
printed in the invoice, for a taxable cash sale made within the state.
● The Rate
of a stock item is now updated in the invoice based on the value of Rate (Incl. of Tax), even if the
rate is not defined at the stock item level.
● The option GST Registration Type appeared in
the Party Details screen of the
invoice even when the party ledger Name
and Mailing Name were different.
This issue is resolved.
● The text E & O.E is now printed in the
voucher, if printed through Voucher Display
● The button A: Payroll Autofill did not appear
in the payment voucher when GST and payroll features were enabled. This
issue is resolved.
● When a debit
note or credit note recorded in the voucher mode was printed, the party
GSTIN/UIN did not appear. This issue is resolved.
● Now
the Advance Amount entered in
advance receipt voucher is considered for calculating indicative tax liability.
You need to record a journal voucher to raise the liability for this amount
to capture it in GSTR-1.
● You can print
the advance payment voucher made to unregistered dealers or under reverse
charge with the GSTIN/UIN of your business.
● The value of
credit notes recorded for a consumer or unregistered party did not appear
in the GSTR-1 report. This issue
is resolved.
● We have fixed
an issue where the party GSTIN/UIN was not printed for an advance payment
voucher marked for reverse charge.
● We have fixed
an issue where, the party's state Code
was not printed in the tax invoice if the option Print
country with address? was enabled in General
Printing Configuration.
● You can now
print the destination godown name and address on top of the stock journal
(inter godown transfer) voucher type, if the options Print
Destination Godown Address on Top of Voucher? and Print
Godown Address? are enabled.
● The value of
the stock item did not appear in the Stock
Summary report if you recorded a purchase
voucher as the first transaction and a debit note immediately after. Also,
the rate and quantity specified in the debit note and the purchase vouchers
were the same. This issue is resolved.
● We have fixed
the error Voucher totals do not match!
that appeared while saving a duplicated POS voucher created with a voucher
● We have fixed
an issue where the Amount field
of a payment voucher was not auto filled when Electronic
Cheque or Electronic DD/PO
was selected in Mode of Payment/Transaction
Type of the Payroll Autofill
● We have fixed
the error Error in TDL, Collection:AutoBrsConfig,
Could not find description, which
appeared while trying to alter the bank ledger HSBC
Bank (UAE) from a remote client.
● On printing
multiple copies of non-GST invoices, the type of copies (original, duplicate,
triplicate, and so on) were not displayed in the printout. This issue
is resolved.
● We have fixed
an issue where the additional description of the accounting ledger was
extending to the next column while printing a voucher if the option Print GST % column? or Print
HSN/SAC column? was enabled in the Print
If you are interested to being business partner with kindly contact on Whats App :- 9429893515
Note :- For any help related to any above services and products kindly mail us on with above mention subject line
For any inquiry (Products & Services) kindly contact us on with particular city code for more information click here.
Tally On Mobile - Mobile Tally Marketing App - Tally Mobile Business Management App

Customization in Tally.ERP9 - Mobile Tally - Tally Mobile Application
Customization in Tally.ERP9
1000+ Ready to use add-ons or customize your Tally on your own way.
- Sms Module
- Agent Module
- Security Features
- Contact Manager
- Inventory Report
- Auto Email
- Outstanding Followup
- Half Page Invoice
- Voucher Aurthorization
- Serial Member Search
- Textile Industries
- Ginig Mills
- Petrol Pumps
- Iron & Steel
- Mobile Application
Mobile Tally - Tally Mobile Application
DashboardDaily Sales Report
Daily Purchase Report
Cash & Bank
Stock Summary
Bills Receivable
Billy Payable
Fix Assets
Loans (Liability)
Today Daybook
Source :- tallyBIZ
Note :- Tally, Quickheal Antivirous, Education Software કે બીજા કોઈ સફ્ટવેર લેવા માટે
જુના કે નવા Laptop, Desktop Computer લેવા કે વેચવા માટે,
IT, CCTV, ને લગતી કોઈ પણ Products ( Switch, HDD, Ram, Cd, Pendrive) લેવા માટે
માત્ર Whats App કરો કોલ નહી Mo 9429893515, 7990449182, 8511604135, બેસ્ટ રેટ મલસે
Download Tally.ERP 9 Release 6 (Gold) With GST Click Here
Link :-
GST Knowledge in Gujarati Click Here
Link :-
GST Knowledge in English Click Here
Link :-
GST Knowledge in Hindi Click Here
Link :-
Source :-Gayatri Solution Group
Note :- Tally, Quickheal Antivirous, Education Software કે બીજા કોઈ સફ્ટવેર લેવા માટે
જુના કે નવા Laptop, Desktop Computer લેવા કે વેચવા માટે,
IT, CCTV, ને લગતી કોઈ પણ Products ( Switch, HDD, Ram, Cd, Pendrive) લેવા માટે
માત્ર Whats App કરો કોલ નહી Mo 9429893515, 7990449182, 9558113500, 9099757281, 8511604135, બેસ્ટ રેટ મલસે
Products :- Quick Heal Antivirous, Tally, GST, CPU,
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Speaker, Battery, Adapter, Cooling Pad, Screen Guard, Bag, Internet
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More Products List Click Here
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Note :- Purchase any products just email
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Gayatri Solution Group
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